Altosid Pellets WSP Mosquito Growth Regulator, a granular product to prevent adult mosquito emergence
Altosid Pellets WSP Mosquito Growth Regulator release (S)-Methoprene, an Insect Growth Regulator as they erode. ALTOSID Pellets WSP prevent the emergence of adult standing water mosquitoes, including Anopheles, Culex, Culiseta, Coquillettidia, and Mansonia spp., as well as adults of the floodwater mosquitoes, such as Aedes, Ochlerotatus, and Psorophora spp. from treated sites.
Altosid Pellets WSP release effective levels of (S)-Methoprene Insect Growth Regulator for up to 30 days under typical environmental conditions. Continue treatment through the last brood of the season. Treated larvae continue to develop normally to the pupal stage where they die.
PLEASE NOTE: This insect growth regulator has no effect on mosquitoes which have reached the pupal or adult stage prior to treatment.
Altosid Pellets WSP are convenient ready-to-use pouches for treating mosquito breeding sites. The pouches are water-sensitive and when in contact with water, the pouches dissolve, releasing the pellets. Use care when handling unused pouches so that moisture does not collect on the pouches. Keep pouches sealed in the original package until ready for use. Once outer foil bag containing water soluble pouches is opened, use pouches within one day.
Altosid Pellets WSP are effective against Anopheles, Culex, Culiseta, Aedes, Ochlerotatus, Coquillettida, Mansonia and Psorophora mosquito species. Use pouches to treat small bodies of water such as: catch basins, storm drains, roadside ditches, tree holes, flooded crypts, transformer pits, fish ponds, woodland pools, fountains, septic tanks, ornamental ponds, manmade depressions, animal watering troughs, ditches, and other natural or artificial water-holding containers.
Altosid Pellets WSP Mosquito Growth Regulator Key Features
- A granular product to prevent adult mosquito emergence (including those which may transmit West Nile virus)
- Ideal when treating hard-to-reach stormwater sites
- Ready-to-use water soluble pouches (WSP)
- A single WSP covers up to 135 sq/ft of water surface area
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